Trusts and Foundations
We can only do the work we do, with the support of individuals, groups, companies, trusts and other charities. Through their donations, we are able to complete our work with children and young people, as well as vulnerable adults and families who live with disability.
We would like to thank each one of our supporters - without you, none of this could happen!

Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust
A charity which awards grants for projects which are committed to improving the life prospects of young adults with learning disabilities.
This grant will enable us to offer supported employment and accreditation to young adults with severe learning difficulties who otherwise struggle to secure sustainable employment. THANK YOU
A huge THANK YOU to Swale BC for helping us access the COVID recovery grants throughout 2020-2021.
National Lottery People's Projects 2023
We were fortunate enough to be shortlisted for this National Lottery award, and with the runners-up prize, we are able to support young adults not in education, employment or training to develop their skills and improve their employability.
Colyer Fergusson Charitable Trust 2020 & 2023
Making charitable grants for over 50 years in Kent and Medway, benefitting young people, families and communities.
Thank you to CFCT for supporting us through the tough COVID period in 2020 and for the three-year support you are providing towards our employability programme for young people with additional needs. THANK YOU
Curly's Farm supported Southern Water during the summer of 2022, when the Isle of Sheppey found itself without fresh water due to pipe bursts. Staff at the farm walked the streets to ensure the east of Sheppey were provided with water. In recognition, Curly's was awarded a Southern Water Community Award. THANK YOU
We were fortunate to receive a grant to help towards creating a forest school and improving the ecosystem. THANK YOU
A charity which awards grants for projects which are committed to improving the life prospects of young adults with intellectual disabilities. This grant will enable us to offer supported work experience and accreditation to young adults with learning difficulties who otherwise struggle to secure sustainable employment. THANK YOU
Queensborough Fishery Trust 2021 & 2022
Dedicated to helping poor, sick or disabled people in Swale, as well helping provide local recreational, leisure-time and educational facilities. We are very grateful for the seed-funding which helped us get the Food Bank up and running during the lockdown periods.
QFT also awarded a grant towards our project to construct accessible allotments to enable us to introduce horticultural to our skill offering and also to grow our own food. THANK YOU
National Lottery Community Fund: Awards for All
Supporting people to make a difference in their community and their spaces.
The Awards for All grant helped us provide equipment to create permanent footpaths to and within the animal enclosures, so ANYBODY can get up close and interact with the animals, regardless of hindrance by wheelchair or walking difficulties. THANK YOU
Kent Community Foundation distribute grants on behalf of a variety of charitable foundations.
On behalf of: Dulverton Trust
Projects that improve general wellbeing of local community, particularly those that bring people together.
As with the Margaret Dobson FET, the Dulverton’s grant will enable us to offer supported employment and accreditation to young adults with severe learning difficulties who otherwise struggle to secure sustainable employment. THANK YOU
Finnis Scott Foundation (FSF)
Curly's received a grant to enable us to promote and develop the horticulture around the farm. We have created a small sensory garden, started to reuse rainwater, composting with our straw and planted wildseed to encourage wildlife to build homes. The experience has enabled over 3000 young people and adults to learn about their environment and feel a part of it. THANK YOU
Minster on Sea PC were generous in awarding Curly's with a grant to cover for our young adult supported employment programme. Those who are furthest from employment often need extra support and we are now able to make sure that at least five local young adults are improving their live chances. THANK YOU
Sainsbury Helping Everyone Eat Better 2023-2024 and Neighbourly
Thanks to this award, Curly's has been able to offer support the most vulnerable young children to access Farm clubs where they can learn about the food cycle, Farm to plate and actually get stuck in themselves. We have also been able to provide young adults with breakfast and/or lunch when they otherwise may have gone hungry. THANK YOU
Henry Oldfield Trust
Thank you so much to this Swale-based charitable trust, which aims to support programmes which reduce offending and reoffending, promote entrepreneurship amongst the young and disadvantaged, and tackle other challenges such as homelessness and addiction. THANK YOU