Policies and Procedures
- Accidents and Emergencies policy-2.pdf
- Adminstering Medication Policy.pdf
- Adult Safeguarding Policy 2025.pdf
- Adverse Weather Conditions policy.pdf
- After-School Farmers' clubs.pdf
- Alcohol and drugs misuse policy.pdf
- Allegations.pdf
- Allergies Policy-2.pdf
- Animal Welfare Policy.pdf
- anti-bribery policy.pdf
- Anti-Fraud and Corruption.pdf
- Anti-Violence, Aggressive and Anti-social Behaviour.pdf
- Asset management policy.pdf
- Attendance and Truancy.pdf
- Behaviour policy copy.pdf
- Behaviour & Disciplin policy.pdf
- Calm_Break out space.pdf
- Celebrating Success policy.pdf
- Child Gone Missing On or Off Site.pdf
- Communicable Diseases policy.pdf
- Community and local industry links policy.pdf
- Confidentiality (Staff) policy.pdf
- Conflict of Interest policy.pdf
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD) policy.pdf
- Contract of Employment policy.pdf
- COSHH policy.pdf
- Curly Legacy Volunteer policy 2024.pdf
- Curly's Farm Individual Risk Assessment.pdf
- Curly's Farm Referral Form.docx
- Dealing with sexual harrassment and sexual violence policy.pdf
- Dealing with the Media policy.pdf
- Debt Recovery policy.pdf
- Designated Staff Memb for LAC_LC.pdf
- Differentiation policy.pdf
- Disabled Access policy.pdf
- Disciplinary Procedure .pdf
- Disclosure and Barring Service policy.pdf
- Display Screen Equipment policy.pdf
- Emergency Farm Lockdown Procedure .pdf
- Emotiona Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People.pdf
- Environmental policy.doc
- Equality, inclusivity, diversity policy.pdf
- Farm Crisis Management - evacuation of the farm premises.pdf
- Farm Crisis Management policy.pdf
- Farm Crisis Management- child gone missing.pdf
- Farm Disaster Recovery policy.pdf
- Farm Finance policy.pdf
- Farm Staff Code of Conduct policy.pdf
- Farm Toilets policy.pdf
- Fire Safety policy.pdf
- Freedom of Information policy.pdf
- Gardening Policy.pdf
- Grievance Procedure policy.pdf
- Grounds Maintenance policy.pdf
- Handling Charity Cash.pdf
- Health and Safety Part 1 of 3- Roles and Responsibilities.pdf
- Health and Safety in the Curriculum- Part 2 of 3.pdf
- Health and Safety- Safe Procedures Part 3 of 3 .pdf
- Lone Workers.pdf
- Management of Health and Safety Regulations policy.pdf
- Medical and First Aid policy.pdf
- Moving and Handling of People.pdf
- Personal Care.pdf
- Portable Appliance Testing policy.pdf
- Positive Handling (Restraint of Young people).pdf
- Procurement policy.pdf
- Pupil Behaviour and Discipline.pdf
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences policy.pdf
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management policy-2.pdf
- Safeguarding and Child Protection .pdf
- Safer Recruitment and retention.pdf
- Self Evaluation and School Improvement policy.pdf
- Sharps and Needles policy.pdf
- Sick Child policy.pdf
- Slips trips and falls policy.pdf
- Smoke Free School Environment policy.pdf
- Smoke Free Farm Environment policy.pdf
- Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning policy.pdf
- Social Media policy.pdf
- Staff Absence and Leave policy.pdf
- Staff Capability Policy.pdf
- Staff Code of Conduct 2024:25.pdf
- Stress Management policy.pdf
- Whistleblowing policy.pdf
- Working at height policy.pdf
- Workplace Environment policy.pdf